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Ne manquez aucun événement de la BIAC 2025 !
Published on 13 November 2024
Friday, January 24, 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
L’Usine, Route de Fos, 13800 Istres
In partnership with the Les Elancées festival of physical theatre arts
This round table is intended for culture and education professionals. It will examine how the circus enriches artistic and cultural education paths and supports the three pillars of this domain of education: encountering, practicing, and appropriating.
A second section devoted to the community-engaged circus will look at various experiences in France and abroad.
For over 25 years, the Les Élancées festival has been an active participant in this reflection on the physical theatre arts and their fundamental contribution to improving the way people live together by encouraging personal expression, critical thinking, and civic engagement among young people
Aïcha Aouad was born in Rabat, Morocco and moved to France in the 1980s, where she has worked with Susan Buirge, Odile Duboc, Steve Paxton, and Julyen Hamilton. She has taught at the Shems’y national circus school since 2017, has created several shows, founded the Rose des Vents company in 2020, and is the director of the KARACENA 2026 circus biennial inMorocco). Her company is deeply committed to social justice causes and brings together artists from both sides of the Mediterranean.
Emmanuelle Borsoni is a physical education teacher at Lycée Joliot Curie in Aubagne, a circus instructor and trainer for teachers. She has also received training in adapted physical activities. Having taught in a variety of contexts, including middle school, high school, Segpa classes for students with learning challenges, sports associations, and school circus speciality classes, she is still as amazed as ever to see her students discovering themselves and opening up to the world through the exploration of this discipline.
Gaëtan Levêque, circus artist and head of the artistic department of Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde, co-founded the Collectif AOC after studying at the CNAC national circus center.
His experiences on the African continent have enriched his outlook and his commitment to an innovative and inclusive circus. Having completed a Masters 2 at the Observatoire des Politiques Culturelles, he combines creative work with project development.
Passionate about art and culture from an early age, Tiphaine Souron studied cultural mediation and arts project management. After obtaining a Master’s degree in Arts and Cultural Management, she joined the team at Scène nationale 61 performing arts center in Alençon as head of cultural action, public relations, and outreach to young audiences. In 2022 she joined the Archaos team as Head of Artistic and Cultural Initiatives. As part of her duties, she works to bring audiences, artworks, and artists closer together through the development of collaborative and innovative projects.