Enter into a fairground fantasy, a marvelous world that unfolds under a big top. After their captivating show Bêtes de Foire, this new production by Laurent Cabrol and Elsa De Witte is once again a waking dream.

Within this intimate arena, a round dance floor is placed beneath suspended scenery. Audiences are immersed into a singular universe where clumsiness and prowess, appearance and pretense go hand in hand.

On stage, bodies float and swing. Hats are manipulated by a man who is himself being manipulated. Coats are piled high, jackets are stripped off, jackets are stolen.

There are also violins, guitars, unusual objects, and happy accidents. It’s all part of a timeless, dreamlike circus that transports souls to the very depths of humanity.


Performers: Laurent Cabrol, Elsa De Witte, Simon Rosant, Thomas Barrière alternating with Bastien Pelenc Scenography, sets, costumes, accessories: Laurent Cabrol, Elsa De Witte, Simon Rosant Music: Thomas Barrière, Bastien Pelenc Sound design: Francis Lopez Light design: Tom Bourreau Production & Distribution: Association Z’Alegria/Bêtes de foire Administration: Les Thereses Special thanks to: Patrick de Groote, Sidonie Pigeon, Stephan Bonutto, Benjamin Trichat, Sophie Besset, Guilhem Dumont, Julien Roure, Kevin Duplan, Sebastien Petit, Dominique Delorme, Fourmi, Claudio Stellato, Jeanne Maigne, Yohan Jaunaud, Marion Sorgius, Vincent Muteau, Bertrand Lenclos, Meryl Fortunat-Rossi, the three office women (Helene Vignal, Elsa Maillard, Veronique Liebert-Boissonet), our families.


Coproductions: Les Nuits de Fourviere in Lyon, Theatre Senart, Le Parvis in Tarbes Pyrenees, L’Azimut inAntony-Chatenay Malabry, Theatre Le Sillon in Clermont-l’Herault, Theatre Moliere Sete in Thau with assistance from the FONDOC Support: Occitanie Regional Council, DRAC Occitanie and DGCA (support grant) The company is supported by the DGCA as part of its aid to touring circuses.


A small company committed to the art of movement, Bêtes de Foire is the result of a meeting between the circus artist Laurent Cabrol and the costume designer and actor Elsa De Witte. After training with Annie Fratellini, Laurent Cabrol co-founded the Trottola circus. Meanwhile, Elsa De Witte has a background in street theatre, having performed with Compagnie Babylone. Their shows are an enchanting blend of circus, puppetry, dance, and theatre.

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