“Newroz” means “new day” in Kurdish, and to celebrate it Bahoz Temaux has created a circus-concert with a Persian flavor. This musical and acrobatic allegory evokes a man’s quest for identity within the context of his dual culture, and is a rare blend of music and acrobatics performed on a telescopic perch.

An intimate, hard-hitting show imbued with a gentle and tolerant spirit.



Cie La Meute – Los Muchachos Production


Culture Commune, national theater for the Pas-de-Calais, Le Prato national circus center in Lille, 9/9bis Oignies, Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde in Bagneux, Le CRABB in Biscarrosse , Ay Roop regional center for the performing arts in Rennes, Cirq’Onflex in Dijon


La Meute, a circus company founded in 2012, explores the boundaries between circus, theater, and music. With members having studied at the ENACR circus school in Rosny-sous-Bois and the DOCH school of circus and dance in Stockholm, the company has quickly earned a reputation for creating artistic, innovative, and engaging shows.
