It all begins in a carnival atmosphere. But don’t be fooled by the electro beats as you are invited to take your place under a big top: you are about to be transported into a completely different world as you were entering a dream.
In this circus-theatre, four artists embody the figure of the white clown, a ludicrous saviour in the face of chaos.
The performance space is cloaked in a constant play of light and shadows as the artists attempt to rekindle our intellectual and poetic flame.
They offer a delicate reinterpretation of circus conventions: balancing on a tightrope, having fun throwing knives, and dancing in mid-air to the rhythm of the barrel organ. The performance questions something mystical, something spiritual: what the circus and death have in common.


Writing, staging, and lights: Marie Molliens Choreography consultant: Denis Plassard Assistant director: Fanny Molliens Dramaturgy consultant: Aline Reviriaud Choreography assistant: Milan Herich Costumes: Solenne Capmas Musical creation: Françoise Pierret Sound creation: Didier Préaudat, Gérald Molé Assistant for the light creation: Théau Meyer Fireworks creation: La Dame d’Angleterre Artistic collaborators: Delphine Morel, Céline Mouton Audacious circus consultant: Guy Perilhou Administration and production assistant: Mélanie Delage Stage manager: Théau Meyer


Coproduction/Supports : Le Palc national circus center for the Grand Est, Châlons-en-Champagne, Le Sirque national circus center for Nexon, Région Nouvelle Aquitaine, Theater op de Markt, Dommelhof (Belgium), L’Espace des Arts, Sc. Nat. Chalon-sur-Saône, Mirabilia International Circus, Festival Mirabilia (Italy) Le Printemps des Comédiens, M3M, Montpellier Le Théâtre de Bourg-en-Bresse, Sc. Conv Les Scènes Croisées de Lozères, Sc. Conv. CirQ’ônflex, Dijon This creation was supported by the DGCA / Ministry of Culture – DRAC BFC, ADAMI and the Saône-et-Loire Departement Council. Compagnie Rasposo is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture, DRAC BFC, and by the Regional Council of BFC.


Marie Molliens has followed in her family’s footsteps. From an early age, she performed for the Rasposo company, which was founded by her parents. Trained at the Academic Fratellini circus school, she became artistic director of the Compagnie Rasposo in 2012. With its roots in the street arts, the company prides itself on a lively, powerful, and radical form of circus-theatre that is performed exclusively under a big top.
